Justice Article

Bail Reform Efforts Highlight The Role Good Bond Companies Play in the Criminal Justice System

Few movements of late have taken hold like the bail reform movement. Many are pushing for the end of cash bail for misdemeanor offenses, preferring courts to release people on little more than a promise that they will return. While this movement has played an important role in criminal justice reform as a whole, it’s done something else, too. It has shown the difference between good and bad bond companies. When it comes to bail bonds Union County OH has plenty of both. Good companies are fair to their clients, while bad companies give the industry a black eye.

What’s the difference between good bond companies and thus that hurt the industry? The good ones understand that it is important to be reasonable with clients. Solid bond companies are sometimes willing to do walk-throughs that will allow their clients to bond out as quickly as possible without having to sit …

Justice Article

Defending Your Home Against Intruders

Preparing your home to be a place you in which you can feel secure may take time and effort. There are several ways that you can use simple, non-lethal mechanisms to your advantage to defend yourself in the moment and make it less likely for a situation to occur in the first place.

Protective Gear

When relaxing in the living room or on the patio, if you believe you hear an intruder you want to keep your body protected while you move around. You may look for a ballistic shield for sale so that you can have something practical and easily accessible stored around your home for shelter from an aggressor.

Active Training

If you prefer a more active role in fighting back against an attacker, you may also consider self-defense lessons. If you are comfortable and confident in your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, or Krav Maga, you will …

Justice Article

Retaining a Lawyer to Pursue Legal Entitlements

When you have been hurt on the job, you may think that you need to pay for your own medical costs and put up with losing a number of days’ wages while you recuperate. You may not be aware that you have legal rights that allow you to pursue compensation from your employer or its insurance company.

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Even if you are aware of your rights, the idea of taking action against your employer may seem like a daunting and frightening task. How can you get your employer’s insurance company to believe you are really hurt and need compensation for your medical bills and lost income? Rather than answer those questions on your own, you can hire a law firm, mediator, or orlando workers compensation attorney who can take legal action on your behalf.

Acting Promptly

After your accident, your employer may not have told you that you have a finite …

General Articles

Advice on Real Estate Investing


There are lots of ways to spend money in the world, some risky and others not so much. One area of investment that is always a “hot topic” is real estate. Though interest in real estate investment ebbs and flows somewhat depending on the state of the economy (real estate tends to flourish in times of prosperity), the truth is that people will always be buying and selling properties, and in a strong market, a smart investor can make a killing.

Geting Solid Advice

Still, a real estate investment is a large economic decision, and it’s wise for anyone to enter into the market with solid advice, like from a real estate law firm austin tx or other local cities. The key to really doing well with real estate is to find a distressed property in a good area and then do the work of restoring it on a tight …

Civil Law

Know Your Rights if You are Injured

An injury can occur anywhere. Most people think of auto accidents or a slip and fall as personal injuries. However, there are many situations that can cause injury, pain, and suffering. If you are injured through no fault of your own, you have rights.

Do Not Delay Treatment

When you are injured in an accident, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. This provides you with the treatment needed and protects your rights when it comes to seeking compensation. If you delay medical treatment, the insurance company or their lawyers can argue that your injuries occurred later or elsewhere.

Even if you think you are all right, you should be checked. Sometimes, symptoms of injuries do not show up immediately. It could be several hours or days later. For example, symptoms of serious internal injuries may not be experienced for several days. A delay in finding and …