How One Tech VP Kept His Job And Saved His Family Farm From Bankruptcy, All From An RV

In his first corporate job, Matt Edwards received some advice that never really aligned with his visions.
“You can be remote if you want a job, but if you want a career, you need to be in an office.”
Matt Edwards, VP Customer Success at Cobalt
Several years later, working for Cobalt, a tech startup specializing in penetration testing as a service, his role as VP Customer Success had all the hallmarks of the career he had set out for. Good colleagues, stimulating work, good pay, and a great city to enjoy his after-hours.
While the well-intentioned guidance he received in his early years may have held true a year ago, the Covid-19 pandemic and the changing industry practices would surely have rendered the advice obsolete.
Pandemic woes for the family
Matt hails from Machias, Maine. A quick inspection of a map verifies that while he was living in San …