Understanding Effective Steps in Building Company Business Integrity

Sustainable Indonesia (SustaIN) founder and CEO Nadia Sarah said that there are six effective steps that are easy to take for corporations that want to build internal integrity in their companies to avoid legal problems, especially corruption.

1. committed anti-corruption

This commitment can come from employees who are eager to work in peace and blessings. Then, what if the boss does not want to commit like that?

According to Nadia, commitment inevitably is a necessity, there must be no standard but no commitment. “For example, the BOD (Board of Directors) may, the bottom do not, the BOD may receive money, but the bottom does not. So if one vote from top to bottom is the same, the top determines and gives an example.

Related to that commitment, continued Nadia, it must be maintained so as not to change its commitment, for example today yes, tomorrow not, so it depends on the conditions. If someone has violated and is found out, he will be warned. Then, commitment is also needed to provide sufficient resources. “Suppose the boss says we will not do business with dirty practices but no resources are provided, for example there are no compliance people there, there is no channel for public complaints, no code of ethics is made,” explained Nadia.

2. assess the current conditions and risk environment

According to Nadia, this may be some companies have done it, but for fraud risk assessment it may not have been. He said no company is immune to the risk of corruption and there is no anti-corruption program that can be applied equally to all corporations. For example, PT. Toyota potential fraud might be in the sales department, but potential fraud at PT. Angkasa Pura is different because BUMN rules are even more rigid.

“Those are risks that must be assessed by companies, but in other companies it can be different. So the anti-corruption needs of each company will definitely be different, “he said.

3. planning anti-corruption programs

From the risk assessment, a ranking will be obtained showing the point where the potential for corruption can occur. If it has been found, then there is a priority and need to carry out programs that have been prepared previously. For example, a company wants to make a public complaint if there is potential fraud committed by employees. Then the thing that must be prepared is the system, website, and other programs that make it easy for someone to report.

“The most simple, I like it the most at the bank, in my opinion the bank is one of the best risk management because it is based on prududent systems. The simplest thing to do is when the credit signature just pay attention there is no writing our employees do not accept anything. That is a very simple example, “he said.

4. carry out the plan

So, said Nadia, for an anti-corruption investment it is not expensive, it could be simple things that we can do. Then, companies must create reward and punishment during business trips to employees. “The only thing that gets the bonus is that the target is reached but in any way. Mostly it is like that, even though he bombed a company by creating a huge risk to the company. Therefore, it is also necessary to assess employee performance very carefully, “he said.

5. monitor the progress of program implementation

According to Nadia, this is a step that is often forgotten, so often the program has been created but has never been checked. “Is this effective? Is it suitable? Is the method correct? Is the system right? It could be that the company does not get bigger but instead creates websites throughout the world, even though complaints can only be made by call centers or through certain tables, “he explained.

6. report on program implementation

This means report to external parties what has been done. This will give effect to the business and build a company’s reputation ethically, and try to build a company that is clean, good and basic. “For example, Chevron or all the big companies that have experienced dark times, but they got up and built a system that eventually inevitably we work together to go their way,” he concluded.