Top 10 Most Expensive Lawyers In The World
Top 10 Most Expensive Lawyers In The World – Lawyers and doctors have a very important role in our society. If on one hand doctors save people from illness, then on the other hand lawyers solve legal problems for us. The lawyer represents himself as a jurist and is always ready to provide his help. Here are the top 10 most expensive lawyers in the world.
Wichai Thongthan
Wichai Thongthan is a well-known lawyer and successful entrepreneur. He is known for his amazing law practice and a strong career portfolio. Wishai has a $ 2 billion income and a large amount of cost from each client.
Benjamin Civiletti
Benjamin Civiletti is a prominent American lawyer. In 2005, he became a leading lawyer, charging $ 1000 dollars an hour from his client. Benjamin is an impressive and successful lawyer in making a successful journey all the time.
Stacey Gardner
Stacey Gardner …
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