Can Technology Contribute to Automobile Accidents?
Certain technologies, including the following, have been found to contribute to automobile accidents, according to Jason Stone Injury Lawyers:
Mobile phones
According to National Safety Council (NSC) research, nearly 26% of all vehicle accidents involve a distracted driver. Drivers may be conversing, texting, responding to email, or configuring a navigation system, all of which divert their attention away from the road.
Automobile infotainment systems.
These systems were initially developed to let drivers operate their phones, navigation systems, and other electronics without having to take their hands off the wheel. While the concept is sound, drivers must still program or otherwise interact with their vehicle’s infotainment system. Even conversing with the system will divert a driver’s attention away from the road. Indeed, the NSC advises that when people speak, they lose approximately 50% of what is going on around them.
Automobiles that drive themselves
These automobiles have been making headlines …
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