Justice Article

5 Benefits of Having a United States Green Card

Each year, the United States government issues more than one million Green Cards. Most were awarded to family members of United States citizens and current Green Card holders, followed by workers from other countries seeking work in the United States as the next largest group of recipients.

But there are many other categories of Green Cards. This field guide provides a basic overview of the most common types and who can apply.

Below you will find 5 benefits that you will receive once you get your Green Card.

1. You can sponsor close relatives

If you hold a US Green Card , it gives you the opportunity to sponsor your immediate family members and gives them the ability to live in the United States with you. “Direct family members” are defined by U.S. Immigration as unmarried children under 21 years of age, parents, and spouses. Check out our glossary for …

Justice Article

Can Technology Contribute to Automobile Accidents?

What are the Most Common Types of Accidents? - The Sawaya Law Firm

Certain technologies, including the following, have been found to contribute to automobile accidents, according to Jason Stone Injury Lawyers:

Mobile phones

According to National Safety Council (NSC) research, nearly 26% of all vehicle accidents involve a distracted driver. Drivers may be conversing, texting, responding to email, or configuring a navigation system, all of which divert their attention away from the road.

Automobile infotainment systems.

These systems were initially developed to let drivers operate their phones, navigation systems, and other electronics without having to take their hands off the wheel. While the concept is sound, drivers must still program or otherwise interact with their vehicle’s infotainment system. Even conversing with the system will divert a driver’s attention away from the road. Indeed, the NSC advises that when people speak, they lose approximately 50% of what is going on around them.

Automobiles that drive themselves

These automobiles have been making headlines …

Justice Article


Profesi Investment Banking, Peluang Karir dan Peran Pentingnya

The concept of banking has several uses. One of them refers to all banks and bankers . Banking, therefore, can refer to entities that are dedicated to facilitating financing.

Investment , on the other hand, is an economic concept linked to the placement of capital to achieve a future profit . This means that the investor resigns an immediate benefit for a future one that is unlikely but that, in principle, should be greater than the current one. The investment includes three main variables: the expected return (how much money is expected to earn), the risk (how likely it is to obtain the expected profit) and the time (when this profit would be achieved).

It is known as investment banking or business banking entities that specialize in obtaining money or other financial resources so that private companies or governments can make investments. These financial instruments are obtained by investment banks …

Legal Aid Society

Letter To Dr. Wayne Dyer

Legal Aid SocietyWe’ve heard so much about schoolyard bullying and social media assaults on students in the last few years, but there’s an insidious form of bullying that you do not hear a lot about. It impacts adults. Those who struggle back develop into more susceptible than they have been in the first place.

This is TOP SECRET Confidential, Top Clearance-Type Technology! Unless you were an electronics professional, surveillance skilled, scientist, Tesla guru, or high degree army officer- you might be probably NOT going to have even heard that the sort of know-how exists! A few months into the filming challenge, a buddy and I finally found the breakthrough article that allow me know the complete scope of Chemtrails. When I started this analysis, little did I understand that this expertise had a much more sinister objective of mind management and distant electronic harassment and torture. Rumsfeld is cornered in a press …

Justice Article

Getting Auto Insurance: All You Need To Know

What Are Commercial Auto Insurance Requirements in Connecticut? | Petruzelo  Insurance

Understanding Auto Insurance

Also known as car insurance, it is a contract between an individual or company and an insurance company. It seeks to protect the insurance recipient from financial loss from an accident or theft. A person may incur a loss on: 

  • Property 
  • Liability 
  • Medical 

Typically, the person or company pays a fee, and the insurance company will take care of the losses as agreed in the contract or policy. An auto insurance agreement, however, doesn’t take away the role of auto accident lawyers. Auto accident lawyers are responsible for the legal action that may need to be taken when an automobile is involved in an accident. 

Optional Auto Insurance Coverage

Typically, auto insurance companies are legally mandated to cover car damages. However, the coverage is usually for the damage that your car caused. It doesn’t cover the damage to your vehicle without some additional but optional coverages. Some …